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Support announced to tackle flooding

Government announces package of support to tackle flooding including sustainable drainage systems


There has been widespread coverage of the government’s recent announcement regarding their multi-billion pound, long-term plan to tackle flooding.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “Last winter I saw for myself the misery and upheaval that flooding can bring to lives and livelihoods and I said we would do more to help people.

“Our long-term plan will help push back the flood waters and protect hundreds of thousands of homes, businesses and livelihoods.

“Our record investment will also stimulate economic growth across the UK as we build back better”.

What does the plan include?

The comprehensive plan contains an investment of £5.2 billion to create around 2,000 new flood and coastal defences by 2027, alongside support to help households and businesses get back on their feet more quickly. The plan also comprises of £200m for innovative projects such as sustainable drainage systems and nature-based solutions.

Sustainable drainage is something we at DASA are particularly passionate about.  Over the course of the last 12 months we have been working closely with our insurance partners in developing sustainable options for policy holders.  It was therefore interesting to hear the government’s commitment to investing in this.

What is sustainable drainage?

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) mimic natural drainage processes to reduce the effect on the quality and quantity of run-off from developments and provide amenity and biodiversity benefits.

DASA has followed developments in this field closely and working with our forward-looking partners in the repair, replacement and renovation spaces, we have introduced a number of innovations, particularly in the off-mains drainage area, which reduce the impact of our customers’ day-to-day lives on the landscape around them.

By installing water storage and repurposing solutions, managing the roof and groundwater run-off impact of extending, improving (or simply building!) properties and through partnership with end-user customers, insurer clients, commercial partners and local & national authorities we are able to assist in the drive to reduce volumes (and contamination) introduced into natural watercourses as a result of the built environment.

Meanwhile, by offering education as to the changes in legislation regarding operation and maintenance of modern off-mains drainage systems, we are assisting in the removal from the picture of some more egregious examples of older septic tanks and cess pits contaminating their environment (and increasing the likelihood of future significant malfunction).

The DASA mantra for 2020 has been that “underground services don’t have to cost the Earth”, and this is something that we intend to grow and take forward as we continue to innovate in the space.

This drive to essentially clean up our drainage act will see certain flood risk contributors reduced or removed as, for example, the potential for silting of drains, sewers, culverts etc will be reduced by SUdS development and installation.

Working with insurers to further support flooded homes

It has also been announced that homeowners in flood prone areas will also receive higher insurance pay-outs to fund improvements to make their homes more resilient.

We will work closely with our insurance clients in developing strategies to advise policyholders on the best course of action and options available to them to assist in tackling flooding.

For further details contact commercial director Chris Edwards –