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unblock drain

Unblock Drains

Blocked drains can be a nuisance, causing inconvenience and sometimes even damage if left unattended. Understanding the causes and remedies for blocked drains is essential for homeowners and property managers alike.

Drains become blocked for a variety of reasons, often due to a buildup of materials such as grease, food particles, hair, soap scum, and foreign objects like sanitary products or small toys. External factors like tree roots invading underground pipes can also contribute to blockages. Recognising the signs of a blocked drain early on can prevent further complications. Slow drainage, unpleasant odours emanating from sinks or drains, gurgling noises, or water pooling around drains are all indicators of a potential blockage.

Methods used to unblock drains

Several methods can be employed to clear a blocked drain. One common approach is the use of chemical drain cleaners. These products contain strong chemicals designed to dissolve organic matter and break down blockages. However, they can be harsh on pipes and may not be suitable for all types of blockages. Additionally, prolonged use of chemical cleaners can damage plumbing fixtures and pose environmental hazards.

Mechanical methods, such as using a plunger or plumbing snake, are effective for dislodging blockages closer to the surface. Plungers work by creating pressure to force the blockage through the pipe, while plumbing snakes are inserted into the drain to physically break up and remove obstructions. These methods are relatively inexpensive and can be used for minor blockages.

For more stubborn blockages or those deeper within the plumbing system, professional drainage engineers may be required. Drain augers, also known as drain snakes, are specialised tools used by plumbers to reach and remove blockages from inaccessible areas of the drainpipe. Hydro-jetting is another technique employed by professionals, which uses high-pressure water to clear blockages and clean the interior of the pipes effectively.

Why drain maintenance is important 

Prevention is key to avoiding blocked drains in the first place. Regular drain maintenance, such as flushing drains with hot water and vinegar or installing drain guards to catch debris, can help prevent buildup and blockages. Proper disposal of waste, avoiding pouring grease or oil down drains, and being mindful of what goes down sinks and toilets also play a crucial role in preventing blockages.

Contact DASA today

If you are experiencing blocked drains, and are in need of a drainage specialist, contact one of our specialists here at DASA. DASA engineers can be with you within 24 hours, meaning that you can be on your way to fixing the problem as soon as possible. By getting a professional to unblock your drains, you may be able to save yourself unnecessary expenses in the future. 

Contact us today on 0800 142 2783 or fill in our online form here.